The Spines of America

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  • Loot everything from Carmody Dell
  • Don't get spotted
  • Deliver the wagon to Emerald Ranch within 1 minute 10 seconds

The Spines of America

Hosea drums up some business at Emerald Ranch. A gentleman there will pay a pretty penny for stagecoaches so Hosea and Arthur will bring one to him.

Rewards: $75, Loot, Fence (Emerald Ranch)

Family ties

Arthur finds Hosea next to a barn with their prospective new partner Seamus. Arthur doesn't make the best first impression but Hosea calms Seamus enough to cooperate. He tells them Bob Crawford - his cousin, by marriage - bought a stolen stagecoach and it's being kept in his barn. If Hosea and Arthur get it then they'll talk further business. The ranch is in Carmody Dell. There is also money in the house if they are interested. Do not kill anyone or else Seamus will get blamed.

Mount up with Hosea and lead the way to Carmody Dell. Hosea is a little upset with Arthur's talk back there. Arthur thinks the guy is an idiot but Hosea says that's perfect. A simple job like this should be easy money. You can ask Hosea about how things are going or get info on Emerald Ranch. It used to be a lively small town but no more.

Go to the highlighted area in the trees. Hosea says they should go on foot from here. Follow Hosea to scope it out. Near a rock use your binoculars to look at the home. There are people around but Hosea can distract them while Arthur goes for the goods in the house and barn. Or they can wait until nightfall so Hosea can get the stagecoach and Arthur can loot the house. The decision is yours.


Wait behind the rock for Hosea to distract Junior and Bob. When he begins talking sneak up to rob the home. The game will tell you to take $45 worth of loot. The back door is on the left side. Sneak around and collect what you can. Use Eagle Eye if needed. Close the cabinets and drawers when they are empty. Check the chimney to find the money which yields $150. Once you have the minimum or take everything head to the barn. The only way in is the front doors.

Wait inside for Hosea who needs to finish selling spinal alignment. He'll walk away until the Crawfords go back inside and then come to you. Get on the stagecoach and drive back to Emerald Ranch. As you exit the driveway the Crawfords might be alerted. Keep moving to get away clean. Once you are safe Hosea will ask about the loot Arthur got.

If you get caught, the father and son will pull their guns. Hosea can dispose of them if needed but you'll need to move quickly before anyone finds out. Grab the rest of the loot if needed while Hosea gets the stagecoach and brings it to the front. Get on the stagecoach and head out. A man comes down the driveway but Hosea says to be cool. The man may turn into a witness depending where the bodies are so either take care of him or keep on moving.

The duo will also be alerted back inside the house if you leave the cabinets and drawers open so keep that in mind. This will limit the time you have to escape once Hosea is done.


Hosea wakes up Arthur from behind the rock. Time to go. Walk over and rob the home. The game will tell you to take $45 worth of loot. The back door is on the left side if you want to enter that way but be warned there is someone - Junior - sleeping inside. Another - Bob - is sleeping upstairs. Sneak around and collect what you can. Use Eagle Eye if needed. Check the chimney to find the money which yields $150.

Hosea has the quicker task and will be waiting out front for you. When you're done get on the stagecoach and drive back to Emerald Ranch. Hosea will ask about the loot Arthur got.

If you get caught during the search, the father and son will pull their guns. Take them out. Hosea gets the stagecoach and brings it to the front. Get on the stagecoach and head out. A man comes down the driveway but Hosea says to be cool. The man may turn into a witness depending where the bodies are so either take care of him or keep on moving.


Home free

Back at Emerald Ranch pull into the barn. Seamus pays them and says if he finds more stagecoaches he'll let them know. Hosea is heading back to camp. Choose to go with him or stay at Emerald. If you stay he tells Arthur to avoid trouble before riding off. If you go with him cutscenes will bring you both to the camp. Either way the mission is over. Seamus is now a fence location to sell illicit goods.

Gold Tips

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy when you can.
  • This mission is easier during the night but day offers much more loot. During the day Hosea can only distract them for so long so you need to be quick.
  • Loot everything which includes food on the table and kitchen counter. Use Eagle Eye to spot items or containers and do a final sweep on your way out.
  • Night is the easiest to not get caught since they are sleeping.
  • Hosea will yell at you to stay on the roads with the stagecoach but you can cut across the field as shown above in purple. Move along the west side of Guthrie Farm and stay south of the creek next to Emerald Ranch due to the high banks on the sides.