A Fisher of Men

online TreeFittyactivity 2296 Days Agoreddeadredemption2views 3620 Views
  • After arriving at the river, catch a fish within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Complete within 7 minutes 20 seconds

A Fisher of Men

Arthur goes fishing with Jack to take his mind off everything going on. Fish aren't the only slimy things they'll see.

Rewards: Fishing Pole


Abigail asks Arthur to do something fun with Jack. Jack likes Arthur and John is... useless. Arthur gives in. Go to Jack on the other side of the camp. Jack agrees to go fishing. He grabs the pole Hosea made for him and you are told to mount your horse. After Arthur pulls Jack up ride to the fishing spot.

They talk about various things Jack brings up. He mentions he left his story book back at the camp near Blackwater. Arthur will try to get him another. When you get to the highlighted area they dismount. Go to the riverbank. The game will walk you through how to fish. Eventually Jack gets bored and walks over to make something. Keep fishing.


Jack shows Arthur the necklace he made for his mother. As he does two men appear behind them. The lead man knows Arthur's name and backstory. He introduces himself as Agent Milton with his partner Agent Ross. Pinkerton Detective Agency. There's a $5,000 bounty on Arthur's head but they want Dutch. Arthur tries to play it off that he split with Dutch but the agents know about the Cornwall train robbery at Granite Pass.

Milton tells Arthur if he hands over Dutch then he himself won't hang. Arthur denies doing anything wrong but Milton brings up Mac Callander, one of their lost members from Blackwater and brother of Davey. He says Mac was actually alive when they got to him but they didn't keep it that way. Arthur gets angry but keeps his cool - especially with a shotgun aimed at him by Ross. Not getting the answers they want, Milton and Ross depart.

The fishing trip is over. Mount your horse with Jack and go back to Horseshoe Overlook. Arthur tries to dance around Jack's questions about the disagreeable men. As for fishing, it isn't quite Jack's idea of fun. At camp Abigail takes Jack. Arthur goes to Dutch about the federal agents. Dutch says they need to stay calm. He walks off to think.

Gold Tips

  • Quickly talk to Jack and get to the fishing spot. The horse will not go full speed with Jack on it. Avoid riding near a gang member standing guard or else the horse will crawl past them. You can cut a few corners and ride along the river to the spot.
  • Quickly get out your fishing pole and attach bait. Cast your line towards the bubbles (which are the fish). Keep or release does not matter. After catching the first Jack will go make the necklace. After that attach bait and keep casting/recasting repeatedly until the cutscene with Milton.
  • Quickly return to the camp using the same techniques.