Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?

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  • Save Lenny when he is hanging from the train
  • After stopping the train, take out the guards within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Take no damage during the shootout
  • Get 10 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?

The plan has been made and it's time to rob the train. The setup is simple so the job should go easily. All they need to do is stop the train and take the bonds contained within.

Rewards: Bandana, Loot (Cigarette Card)

Golden ticket

A few days after the previous mission Arthur is writing in his journal. It's been a bad few weeks but Dutch has a plan. Of course it involves robberies, though. Arthur finds the Reverend - Reverend Swanson - with John but they aren't going over Bible verses. John is doing okay. Dutch enters and says it's time to rob the train. John wants to come but he's in no condition to do so. Abigail and small Jack come in to see John. After a bit of bickering Dutch gets back to the matter at hand.

Outside he tells Bill to ride ahead and set the charge on the tracks near the water tower. Hosea wonders why they are doing this when the weather is breaking and they need to lie low. Dutch reminds him that their money and everything else is in Blackwater. Hosea apologizes but he doesn't want the gang to mess with Leviticus Cornwall - a railway magnate, sugar dealer, and oil man. Dutch thinks he has enough to share. They ride out.

Wired up

Dutch goes over the plan: Charles will keep a look out, Dutch will take the locomotive, Lenny & Javier get the front two cars, and Arthur & Micah go to the rear where Mr. Cornwall's private car is. Eventually they get south enough that the snow is starting to wear thin. Dutch praises his men. Micah wants to go back to Blackwater after this to get their loot but is discouraged by the others. Dutch will say when they go back. Their money is safe. For now this train should have railroad bonds on it.

Finally near the tracks they spot Bill. Arthur is told to check on him. Ride over to Bill using the path to the left. He says he's fine but Arthur can help by unspooling the cord to the detonator. Grab the spool and walk to the detonator to connect it. When complete Bill tells Arthur to go to the others. He's got this. Back up on the ledge Arthur tells Dutch they're ready. Dutch tells everyone to cover their faces. Follow the prompts to put on your bandana.

Catching the train

The train comes roaring around the corner. Bill mashes the detonator but nothing happens. So much for that. Arthur dismounts his horse with a couple others. Run with them and jump on the train. After a hard landing Javier falls off the right side and Lenny to the left but manages to grab on. Help him get up - or don't - and start moving towards the locomotive. Lenny will pull himself up if needed.

Dropping down into the next coach, there is a guard. If Lenny goes first he'll perform a stealth kill with a knife. You could also walk across this coach instead while Lenny takes the guard. There's another guard on the flatcar ahead but it's your choice to take him yourself or send Lenny for another stealth kill. No matter how this guard is taken down the next few will be alerted when approached. There are 2 guards in each of the next two coaches going in and out of cover. Work your way through.

Climb up on the next boxcar and a guard is doing the same on the other side. Take him out. One more guard will be at the far end of the next flatcar. Kill him and keep moving. On top of the tender the engineer is waiting with a shovel. If you go first you'll need to fight him off. If Lenny goes first you'll need to shoot him off. Once he has been dealt with someone needs to go into the Engine Car and stop the train. Do so if required.

No sleeping

The train comes to a halt not too far from Granite Pass. More guards exit the coaches and boxcar. Take them all out. Note one or more may come around the front of the locomotive behind you. As you clear the first wave another will pour out of the last coaches. Luckily the rest of your gang has arrived and will help. When they are all dead meet with Dutch.

There are a few still in the last coach. Dutch approaches and tells them to give up and they'll live. They refuse. Dutch tells his men to wake them up a little. They begin firing at the coach. The game tells you how to fire from the hip. After a few seconds Dutch orders a cease fire. Arthur and Charles are told to get dynamite from Bill and plant it on the carriage door. Do so and light the fuse. Once the door is blown open three guards exit and are pushed to the side. Arthur, Micah, and Lenny are told to search the private car.

Climb up. Micah and Lenny will take the safe. Arthur will look around the rest. Loot whatever items you wish. The safe doesn't give them much except contracts. Take a look in the cabinet behind the desk to the right. A box inside contains the bonds they are after. With bonds in hand finish looting and head out. Arthur gives the bearer bonds to a happy Dutch. They can sell these easily. Dutch tells Arthur to get rid of the train. The guards? That's up to you. Dutch and the others ride off. Interact with the guards. Threaten them to get on the train or shoot them. Whatever your choice go to the Engine Car and start it. It begins moving and Arthur goes to his horse.

This mission leads directly into the next - Eastward Bound.

Gold Tips

  • You may want to take health items before this mission.
  • There is no overall time objective so take your time and loot whatever you can. Definitely look for a cigarette pack on the desk in Cornwall's private coach.
  • There is plenty of cover to use both on and off the train. Again, take your time. There are tons of guards to get headshots on and no accuracy objective.