â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Herd all the sheep in to the pen in Valentine
- Get 25 Headshots
- Complete with at least 70% accuracy
- Complete the mission without taking any health items
The Sheep and the Goats
John's next score involves sheep. All they have to do is rustle a herd coming to the auction yard. Nice and easy money as long as no one gets in their way.
Rewards: Rolling Block Rifle
Man with another plan
John is found hanging around the auction yard in Valentine. He has a lead, and it involves sheep. John and Arthur take a walk discussing Dutch and how he's good at talking. Tie your horse to the
hitching post in front of the sheriff office and meet
John at the gun store across the street. He asks Arthur to purchase a sniper rifle.
Inside talk to the
gunsmith. Browse the catalogue and go to "Rifles".
Buy Acquire a Rolling Block Rifle. You can add any extras you want. With the rifle in hand go back out to
John and follow him. He couldn't buy the gun since he had a run-in with the shopkeeper. Arthur had a run-in with half the town. With John beating around the bush the conversation turns towards family relationships, of which both have issues.
John finally tells Arthur there is a herd of sheep coming from Emerald Ranch. The owner is trying to stamp out any competition in the area. The sheep will get to auction but John and Arthur will collect the money. Up on a ridge they dismount. The herd is seen below. John tells Arthur to fire a shot near the
ranchers to scare them off. Do not hit the sheep - or the ranchers.
Scared sheepless
Fire a shot and the ranchers will scatter. One doesn't take the hint so fire again. When he bolts go with John to recover the sheep. Mount your
horse and go to the
herd. Neither has worked on a ranch much so they'll see how this goes. When you approach you are told to move the separated
sheep back to the herd. Ride around to the outside and get them to move to the middle. John will help. You can shout for extra moving power if needed. The sheep icons will turn gray when they rejoin the herd. There are 15 of them.
With the herd regrouped drive them to the
Auction Yard. Arthur will keep the herd together and John will keep watch for trouble. Move behind the herd to steer them around obstacles and keep them together. Shout at them if needed. For the most part the sheep will go the right direction. Keep them mostly on the roads. Once they get in the
holding pens, workers will close the gates.
Speaking with the
auctioneer, he doesn't think the sheep are quite the best around. He tries to get a 25% kickback from Arthur and John since he knows they rustled them. John talks him down to 18%. Deal. They'll get their money after the auction. Mount your
horse and meet Dutch at Keane's
Who the hell is that?
Dutch is found arguing with Strauss. He sends Strauss with John to make sure there isn't any funny business with the sheep. Dutch says he should have left the Austrian where he found him. Dutch and Arthur share a drink before someone outside yells for Dutch. It's
Leviticus Cornwall. He has John and Strauss hostage. As Dutch and Arthur decide what to do, Cornwall tells his men to deal with them and rides off. The outlaws exit.
As Dutch talks you are told to slowly draw. Entering Dead-Eye, take out John's capture. Note the game gives you some wonky instructions. When the capture is dead the rest scatter. Take out the other four
henchmen. More will appear to the left and right including up on the balcony of the gunsmith. Clearing them out Dutch says to move up. Go to the
cart and Strauss gets hit. Arthur is to cover the gang helping him. Then get behind the
wagon which they'll use to move down the street.
Continue to shoot the
henchmen as the wagon gets pushed along the street. They will be high and low. Dutch and John can only do so much while pushing. Nearing the end three
henchmen pour out of the stable with one on top. More come from around the right. Pick up
Strauss from the wagon and get to the
horses. The gang will fend off additional
Put Strauss on John's horse. With a break in the fight Dutch wants to get back to camp and start packing up. Arthur will stay to make sure no one follows. As they leave four
lawmen appear from the alley behind the hotel. Escape Valentine. Take out a few lawmen and more will come from the other side of town. Mounted
lawmen will chase after you. Lose the attention and the mission is complete.
Gold Tips
- There is no time objective so take it easy throughout.
- Try to get the sheep on the west side first and then the east ones to start pushing them all towards Valentine.
- Best way to herd sheep is to stay back a little and move side-to-side to keep them in a line. This helps a lot in Valentine when trying to squeeze past the train station and get the sheep into the pen. Keep focus on the herd and swing around however needed. You shouldn't need to shout.
- Make sure all 15 sheep make it to the pen.
- Use quick Dead Eye bursts to conserve it.
- You have around 40+ chances to get the 25 headshots. You can stall at the end of the street or after the gang rides off to allow more enemies to spawn. This can also help increase your accuracy count too.
- If you need extra Dead Eye, try looting bodies to find tobacco or other items of use. You'll need to be quick, though.