2273 Days Ago
â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Complete within 1 minute 20 seconds
Do Not Seek Absolution - I
Arthur visits Edith Downes who he knows is working as a prostitute in Annesburg.
Rewards: -$35
Note: This is an optional mission but will show in the
Rockstar Games Social Club as missing if not done. It will automatically fill in after completing the game's story.
Working for money
Edith is under the coal tipple looking for customers. Arthur apologizes but has a hard time explaining himself. Edith doesn't want to hear it anyway. Her son Archie is working in the mine. The foremen don't like him so he gets the worst of it. Arthur thinks he can help. Edith just wants him to leave them alone.
Go up to the
mine. Arthur finds the foreman - Mr. Dockery - making fun of Archie's mother. Arthur intervenes. They exchange words and it turns into a fist fight. One of the other workers joins Dockery. Beat down the
foreman. Arthur then orders another worker to release Archie. The rest walk away. Archie says they are going to kill him. He doesn't have a job either. Arthur gives him $35 and tells him to speak with his mother to get out. He doesn't want to see Archie here again. Archie agrees and rides off on a horse.
Gold Tips
- Probably the fastest way up to the mine is to run up the large pipe south of the tipple building or climb the rocks next to it. Otherwise take the stairs. Keep an eye on Arthur's stamina.
- Focus on Dockery, not his guard. It is possible to use weapons but you cannot kill Dockery or his guard. Pistol whipping works wonders. Sometimes they can knock the gun out of your hand, though. If using fists, block and beat Dockery until he goes down. It is still possible to make the time objective.