â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Pick up Javier when entering Horseshoe Overlook
- Complete within 6 minutes
Eastward Bound
The weather is getting warmer which means this location isn't safe from outsiders anymore. The gang needs to pack up and go someplace safer.
Rewards: Crafting Tools
Time to go
Arthur returns to the camp. Dutch says the weather is good so they should move out. Hosea wants to go to Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine. Dutch divides them up amongst the wagons. Arthur and Hosea will ride together since they like to talk about Dutch. "
Moonlight Nola" plays as the wagons ride down the snowy mountains and out into the greening landscape below. Dutch sends Lenny and Micah ahead to look for any trouble.
Back in control of Arthur's wagon, keep up with the
caravan. Just past the stream a wheel falls off. Arthur and Hosea jump off. The boys from the next wagon offer assistance but Hosea thinks they can handle. Pick up the wheel and move it over while Hosea and Charles lift the wagon. Bash it a few times to set it on.
Watchful Eyes
As they pick up the lost goods three natives appear on a cliff above. Charles says they probably won't be an issue. Hosea says they were screwed over so the gang shouldn't stick around. Get back on the wagon and head for
Horseshoe Overlook. Hosea goes on to explain the plight of the natives in a simplified way for Arthur. Charles chimes in as needed. The Army hasn't been so kind to tribes in these parts. Most were pushed onto reservations.
Getting personal, Charles isn't sure if he has his own tribe. His father and other freedmen lived with natives for a bit but they ultimately fled their land and were always on the run. His mother was captured by the Army and never seen again. His father became a drunk. Charles ran off when he was 13 which is around the age Arthur joined Dutch and Hosea. There's animosity between Arthur and John but it's a long story.
Hosea talks more about the area they are going to. It's not their ultimate goal but should suit them for the time being. Hosea and Arthur knew the score in Blackwater wasn't right. They had a better lead. Dutch wasn't acting right either when the girl was killed. Such is life as an outlaw. Hosea is making some food but gives it to Arthur. Should be better for his health than the store-bought stuff. Continue on with the wagon.
Home with a view
As you approach the entrance to the camp Javier is waiting to give you directions in. Pick him up or let him walk. Arriving at the camp Dutch is thrilled with Hosea's choice. Hosea still isn't thrilled with Dutch going along with Micah's ferry job in Blackwater. Everyone has made mistakes but Dutch has kept them alive. Hosea clarifies that he's getting old and wants the gang to reach their goal of freedom in the west before he passes. Dutch says they'll get there. Make a little money here, move around the law, and buy some land.
Strauss tells Dutch he's heading into town to strike up some business. Dutch gathers everyone else and gives another pep talk. Everyone needs to find some means of legitimate income. Their story is that they were laid off from a factory up north. Pearson reminds them they need food. Dutch sets up a box for donations. Everyone needs to give the camp a share of funds generated. Ms. Grimshaw shows Arthur his new "room". She then walks off to yell at Ms. Jackson.
This completes Chapter I.
A couple of weeks later Arthur writes in his journal about getting off the mountain and going east into the Heartlands. Everyone seems to be doing better. Hosea greets Arthur with some coffee. The gang has been busy finding leads and a few are setting things up. Back in control you are free to roam the new camp and areas.
Gold Tips
- Get the wheel up and on as fast as you can.
- Stop right next to Javier and begin moving right as he hops on.