- Kill all the wolves without taking any damage
- Complete with at least 80% accuracy
Enter, Pursued by a Memory
With shelter established its time to find a missing friend. Arthur and Javier will attempt to find one of their brothers lost in the snowstorm.
Rewards: Sawed-Off Shotgun
Find who?
Arthur enters the general gang quarters. A woman - Abigail - is upset and wondering about John. He's been lost for two days. Arthur doesn't have quite the same attitude and thinks he's fine. Dutch's partner from the wagon train sends Javier with Arthur to go find John. Javier knows John would look for him. They walk out.
As the storm pounds them they head north up the river. Arthur thinks John kept on going since he's done it before but Javier disagrees. They continue up the mountain and find a campfire. It's fresh so whoever left it can't be too far off. Javier finds some tracks.
Back in control, follow
Javier. You can inspect the campfire if you wish. As they follow the tracks Arthur asks about the boat and what Javier knows. Javier says they had the money but federal lawmen from Pinkerton showed up. Dutch had killed a girl but Arthur doesn't think that's like him. Davey, Mac, and John all got shot. Sean is unknown. It was a bad situation.
Marco Polo
With the weather not being cooperative, they need to hurry. Continuing up the slopes they lose the tracks but Javier thinks they can pick them up again. They find John's dead horse decaying near a peak. It's been torn apart. Javier knows they must be close and fires a shot into the air to hopefully bring attention to John. After the shot rings out a faint cry for help is heard. Keep following Javier up. Eventually the route isn't suitable for horses so they'll need to keep going on foot.
Dismount and Javier will tell you to take your shotgun - just in case. Follow the prompts and continue to follow him. You can ask Javier if he's sure about this but the louder cries of a man answer that question. The game tells you about your stamina. After going down, under, and back up, the duo pauses in a crevice. If you haven't eaten the food in your satchel to fill Arthur's stamina
core, Javier will give Arthur some of his drink. It's enough to give Arthur a boost.
They continue on and call out to John - John Marston. Eventually the cries are loud enough for them to locate him down on a ledge. John's face is cut up pretty badly and his leg is busted but he's alive and happy to see Arthur Morgan. Arthur and Javier help John get up off the ledge. Given the athletics of the route they took to get to this point they'll need to find another way back to the horses. Arthur puts John over his shoulder and you are told to make him walk.
Top dogs
Coming over a hill, three wolves appear on a ridge. Arthur will distract them while Javier and John get to the horses nearby. You are told how to aim your gun and attract their attention. Kill the
wolves before they kill you or the others. Take down two and the third might flee. When they're dead go over to Javier and get on your
horse. Follow Javier who has John. John feels sick but Javier says he won't die. It's like a dog bite.
Further down two more
wolves appear from the right. Kill them. Two more will appear up ahead with one from each side. Kill them as well. Javier doesn't see anymore. They get down towards the creek and Arthur jokes they'll need to make up a better story for John's cuts. After all John has been through he doesn't care for humor right now. Javier decides to run through the creek a little bit to get rid of the scent trail in case there are any more wolves around.
Eventually they arrive back at the camp and call out for others to assist them with John. Abigail is thrilled to see John alive. He's carried inside before she begins berating him. Arthur asks Dutch's partner - Hosea - about what's next. Hosea has consulted with Herr Strauss and they're going to keep heading east. Arthur doesn't like the idea of going towards civilization but he's reminded that they have worse problems to the west right now.
Logged in
We cut to Arthur dictating a journal entry. They've been on the run for weeks now in this abandoned mining town. Still waiting for the weather to get warm enough to get out. You are now left to free roam the area. Icons for mission givers are shown. You can search around the camp, talk to gang members, or wander the area (note you can't go too far before losing stamina/health and then death due to the storm). If you wish to replay the missions to get gold medals head into the pause menu > Progress > Story > Chapter 1.
Gold Tips
- There is no time adjective so take it easy.
- If you do not want to use your own food, wait for Javier to give you a drink instead.
- There is no Dead Eye at this point so instead take your time aiming for headshots.
- For the first three wolves, call to them and they will pause before sneaking up to you slowly. Wait until they get a little close to headshot one (aim slightly high) and then the other before it gets to you. The third may flee unless it's very close. The shotgun has two single shots before needing to reload. Make them count.
- Another way to go about the first three is to let them go after Javier and John. Call to slow them down but use your friends as a distraction from you. One will knock Javier and John down so move in quickly before they get another go. If Javier or John get mauled the mission fails.
- If you want extra accuracy points during the ride down, aim for non-lethal parts of the wolves such as the torso or buttocks. On your horse you can switch to the pistol too but that may take too long for a kill.