The Aftermath of Genesis

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  • Kill each deer with one arrow
  • Do not spook either deer
  • Get a clean kill on the second deer

The Aftermath of Genesis

There isn't much food for the camp so Arthur and Charles will need to go hunting for more. Arthur hasn't had much luck in the past but Charles will teach him the way.

Rewards: Bow, Eagle Eye, Master Hunter Challenges

Hunting for Dummies

Arthur finds Pearson in a makeshift kitchen. They have very limited supplies but as Pearson gets into a story about his survival in the Navy Arthur cuts him off. Worse case they can eat him since he's the fattest. Pearson says Lenny and Bill were sent off hunting but came up empty. No surprise. Smith - Charles Smith - enters and tells Arthur to come with him. He'll track some animals and Arthur can kill them since his hand is still in bandages. They go to their horses and Charles gives Arthur a bow. Guns will scare off every animal around for miles. Arthur has never used one before but he'll learn.

Follow Charles south of the camp. He's upset about his hand but it should be good in a few days. Luckily the weather has eased a little so animals should be coming out to feed. Eventually they make it to another creek. The wind has died down but too much or too little is bad for hunting. They need to be quiet now.

Oh deer

Charles stops at some tracks in the snow. A deer made them and very recently. They'll need to go on foot so grab the bow from your horse. Hunt the deer. Crouch down to enter stealth which will keep you quiet. Controls for Eagle Eye are displayed. Track the animal's scent trail and its path will be highlighted in the snow even when there are no tracks to see.


Follow the trail until finding the deer up ahead. Charles tells you to use the bow and aim for a weak point like the head or neck. Controls are displayed. If needed you can call the deer to make it look up. Kill it. If you miss, it'll run off but there are more ahead. Continue tracking them. When you kill two deer Charles will say that's all they can carry. Grab a deer carcass and Charles will grab the other. When you have it whistle for your horse and stow the carcass on the back of it then meet up with Charles. Follow him back to camp. You are told how to donate food items to the camp at Pearson's butcher table.

These deer should last a few days. Soon they can focus their efforts on getting out of here. Arthur doesn't think Pearson has his priorities straight since he took booze instead of food while escaping Blackwater. They have many mouths to feed including Sadie Adler now. Charles says she has a wild look in her eyes. The conversation turns to the O'Driscolls. Arthur and the gang haven't seen them in a about 6 months but apparently they've been over this way. Dutch and Colm - the leader of the O'Driscolls - have had bad blood a long time.

Bearly made it

Up ahead Charles spots a large bear. Arthur looks at the meat but Charles tells him to stay away. The bear should be very hungry right now and will likely attack. You have the option to shoot the bear or let it walk away. Either way your horse will get spooked by the bear's presence. If attacking, your horse will buck you off. If walking away, you are told how to calm it.

After the encounter the conversation continues. Charles has only been with the gang 5 or 6 months. The Blackwater mess is what it is. He's not turned off to the gang by it. Arthur thinks Charles has the ability to run on his own but Charles did that already. He likes having others around especially this group and Dutch. Other gangs would look down on him for having a black father and native mother.

Arthur's turn to share. He's been in the gang around 20 years. Dutch taught him and John to read. Dutch saved most of the people in the gang. That's why they need to stick with him. Arthur and Charles begin discussing horses. Arthur had borrowed Charles' horse the other night but this new one is doing okay. He knows how the others would feel to lose their own horses. Arthur had tried to ride Dutch's once but it bucked him off.

Making the cut

Back in camp hitch your horse and take the deer carcass to Pearson. Drop it on the floor. The camp "rat" - Uncle - is hanging out but Arthur makes him feel unwelcome and he leaves. Pearson congratulates them with some Navy rum. Pearson tells Arthur to help him skin the deer. Charles goes off to rest his hand.

Back in control, approach the deer carcass and follow the prompts to skin it. The animation will show Arthur take the skin off like a coat. Pearson is impressed with the "Butcher". He tells Arthur he can trade or sell carcasses in town - assuming they leave here alive. Arthur was never much of a hunter but right now everyone needs to pitch in and help the gang survive.

Gold Tips

  • There is no time adjective so take it easy.
  • Stay crouched and don't get too close to the deer. Arrows have extremely good range.
  • Aim for the head. Call the deer if needed to make it look up.
  • If you have trouble killing them, they won't run off beyond the third resting place. They'll turn around and run back towards where you came from or across the river. There are only 4 deer total in the area.
  • There is no gold objective for the bear but you probably want to let it walk away.