Old Friends

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  • Catch and hogtie Kieran within 45 seconds
  • Kill 3 O'Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use
  • Complete within 15 minutes 30 seconds
  • Get 15 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Old Friends

Short on funds and supplies, Dutch wants to hit the O'Driscolls before they hit him and his gang. They need to acquire information about the upcoming train robbery and get to it first.

Rewards: Lasso, Carbine Rifle, Dead Eye, Loot

Strike first

Micah is found berating his fellow gang members for being yella'. The others poke some fun at him but he doesn't take it well. Dutch breaks them up and tells them they need to put that violent energy into the O'Driscolls. They should be near a lake southwest of the camp. Arthur tries to reason with Dutch's current thought process but it doesn't get very far. Colm always had good intel on scores so they need to move in. Charles, Pearson, and Hosea - Hosea Matthews - will look after the camp. Dutch and the others ride out. They need to find the score before the O'Driscolls find them.

Approaching the lake, tracks are found. It must be the O'Driscolls since no other fools are out here. Once again Arthur questions if this is the right move but Dutch won't budge. They need to hit Colm before people they love die. Annabelle, Dutch's former love, was taken from him by Colm. Arthur reminds Dutch that he killed Colm's brother. Hopefully they will be reunited soon. They spot smoke ahead past a small hill.

Looking down

Most of the way up the hill Dutch stops them for a pep talk and game plan. Arthur and Dutch will scope it out from the top. Micah and Mr. Williamson - Bill Williamson - will go around the outside. Mr. Summers - Lenny Summers - and Mr. Escuella - Javier Escuella - will stay here. Walk up to the cliff edge with Dutch.

They both use binoculars to look down at the small village below. O'Driscolls are all over it. They see Colm rallying a few troops and getting touchy with one. Dutch will let them leave so there are less to deal with now. It'll also be more fun to steal the score if he doesn't know it was Dutch.

They've seen enough so Dutch tells you to grab the rifle from your horse. He sends Lenny and Javier up top to cover you both. With the rifle in hand follow Dutch. You'll take the same path as Micah and Bill. Dutch explains to Arthur that they need supplies and equipment which is why they are doing this. Dealing with Colm himself can wait.

Red snow

Continue down the narrow path. At the bottom you'll move along the trees and into a building. Dutch tells you to get low so crouch and keep moving up to where the others are waiting. Take cover at the wall. A couple O'Driscolls are talking in the next structure. Arthur tells Dutch he can take them if needed. Dutch tells him to make the call. You can now choose to fire the first shot or let Dutch do it.


Either way your cover is blown and the fight is on. O'Driscolls come out of almost every building and take cover behind various things. One is up on the water tower. Clear them out. As you kill them a few more will appear out of the buildings. Move around using cover to get them. After killing almost all of them a couple more O'Driscolls appear from the cabins to the right (southeast) followed by another from the north side. There are 16 total. If the last one is on the south side he'll try to flee.

When the fight is over Dutch tells you to search the bodies. Go around and loot as many as you can. Bodies not looted are shown as black Xs on the minimap. Looted ones are faded. Dutch reminds them that he knows the names of his men but Colm likely doesn't. He doesn't care unlike Dutch. After looting a few bodies gunshots are heard. More O'Driscolls are coming from the south.

You are approached by 4 on horseback along the road. Kill them and 10 more follow on foot through the trees. Dutch will ask if you want to advance on them or hold your ground. The decision is yours. At this point you are told about Dead Eye which slows down time so you can pick off targets that automatically get painted on enemies. Use it to take out all the O'Driscolls. The last one will flee. Let him go or kill him. When the second fight is over you are informed about consuming items to restore Dead Eye. Do so if needed.


Regroup with the gang in the middle of the village as Lenny and Javier plus your horses find their way down. Dutch tells his men to search the place. Arthur is tasked with the large building next to their original hiding place. Head inside and grab the loot. There are 3 shelves, a chest... and a large box that says "Dynamite". Open it up. Arthur and Bill take out the good stuff.

Meanwhile Micah has found the plans for robbing the train owned by Leviticus Cornwall. Dutch is content with the job they've done so they head out. He's proud of his men. Outlaws for life. Arthur thinks this hit will hurt Colm more than a bullet to the head. The train is icing on the cake. Dutch vows to stay a step ahead of the O'Driscolls from now on. The mess in Blackwater won't happen again.

Taking it home

At the east edge of the lake someone with a horse is spotted ahead. They think it is the guy Colm was beating earlier. Arthur is told to bring the guy in alive. Chase the O'Driscoll. The game will prompt you to select your lasso. Catch up and you are given the option to antagonize him. Do that or lasso him. When he falls off his horse hogtie him. You can also loot him for health tonic. Put him on your horse and head to camp. There's no one to follow this time.

The guy's name is Kieran Duffy. Arthur antagonizes him as Kieran pleads to be let go. He's only been with the O'Driscolls for a few months. Back at the camp remove Kieran from your horse and take him to the cabin. Dutch comes out and is happy to see Arthur got him. They won't question him now, though, since he'll just lie.

Bill and Uncle are told to tie him up but first some words of wisdom from Dutch: They shoot fellers as need shooting, save fellers as need saving, and feed 'em as need feeding. They'll find out what Kieran needs. As he's taken away Kiernan says he hates Colm. Dutch, with plans in hand, goes back inside to figure out if they can take the train.

This mission leads directly into the next - Who the hell is Leviticus Cornwall?

Gold Tips

  • You may want to take health items before this mission.
  • Use cover when attacking the O'Driscolls. There is plenty of it.
  • There is no Dead Eye for the first section so instead take your time aiming for headshots.
  • Once Dead Eye is acquired it will automatically paint targets so try to aim above an enemy before activating it and come down to the head. As soon as one is painted pull the trigger and get out of Dead Eye to conserve it (gold medal objective aside).
  • Try to find a time when three O'Driscolls are near each other for the triple Dead Eye kill. You don't need headshots but they need to be kills. This will use up most of the Dead Eye meter.
  • Don't waste too much time looting the bodies and buildings.
  • You shouldn't have much issue catching up to Kieran since he stays on the road. Lasso, hogtie, and get him on your horse. Return to the camp as quickly as possible.