Just like the
Ambient Challenges in single player,
Red Dead Redemption multiplayer has challenges to complete too. Stat challenges are relatively simple and do not require much skill so it's easy XP. Each rank is a total amount so the previous rank is included in the next.
You can view the challenges in the pause menu under
Journal. The following challenges are listed alphabetically. You'll earn 300 XP total and an
online title for each set of challenges.
Foot Traveler
This can be a lengthy set of challenges. You'll find yourself walking across the map just to move the meter a little bit by the end. Have fun!
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Travel 10 miles on foot | 50XP |
2 | Travel 50 miles on foot | 100XP |
3 | Travel 100 miles on foot | 150XP, Wanderer title |
High Roller
For these challenges, aim a gun, crouch, and roll around the required amount of times. You can accomplish this and a little bit of the Foot Traveler at the same time if you roll your way to a destination.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Roll 25 times | 50XP |
2 | Roll 50 times | 100XP |
3 | Roll 100 times | 150XP, Dizzy title |
Horse Trampler
Literally run over people with your horse until they die, which may take a couple hits. Unfortunately people on foot are found in towns where you'll get a bounty once they die. You can also kill someone's horse out on the trail and then get the rider but they'll probably be shooting at you.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Run over 25 different people | 50XP |
2 | Run over 50 different people | 100XP |
3 | Run over 100 different people | 150XP, Trampler title |
Horse Traveler
Similar to Foot Traveler, use your horse to get around the map instead of using the transport feature in some towns. But really, why wouldn't you enjoy the ride anyway?
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Travel 30 miles on horseback | 50XP |
2 | Travel 150 miles on horseback | 100XP |
3 | Travel 300 miles on horseback | 150XP, Explorer title |
Lemming Award
People will think you're crazy while completing these challenges. Find a nice place to jump to your death the required amount of times. Landing in water will not count. I found this easier to do in
Pike's Basin since you'll usually respawn back at the top of a cliff. If you just entered the hideout, you'll continuously respawn at the small entrance road near
MacFarlane's Ranch and can keep jumping from the same spot over and over again.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Fall to your death 25 times | 50XP |
2 | Fall to your death 50 times | 100XP |
3 | Fall to your death 100 times | 150XP, Cloudwalker title |
Shotgun Traveler
You'll need assistance for this one. Have a friend or someone drive a wagon with you sitting next to them. You can also try to dislodge the passenger of an NPC riding by and hop on but that may not end well.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Travel 2 miles riding shotgun | 50XP |
2 | Travel 20 miles riding shotgun | 100XP |
3 | Travel 200 miles riding shotgun | 150XP, Shotgun title |
Stagecoach Trampler
Just like Horse Trampler, this challenge has you running over civilians. Same tips as the other challenge. The only place I've found the stagecoach is at the top of the
Gaptooth Breach hideout but you'll need to complete the hideout in order to drive it (it'll be right there at the end). More easily, you can also use a two-horse wagon to accomplish this too.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Run over 25 different people | 50XP |
2 | Run over 50 different people | 100XP |
3 | Run over 100 different people | 150XP, Bad Driver title |
Stagecoach Traveler
Same as the other Traveler challenges. Get the stagecoach as told above or use a two-horse wagon. The hard part is going around the map for hours and days to get the final rank completed.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Drive 2 miles on a stagecoach | 50XP |
2 | Drive 25 miles on a stagecoach | 100XP |
3 | Drive 250 miles on a stagecoach | 150XP, Pioneer title |