Just like the
Ambient Challenges in single player,
Red Dead Redemption multiplayer has challenges to complete too. Some of these such as survivalist and master hunter are essentially the same as the single player ones. If you enjoyed doing them before, you'll enjoy doing them again, and yet again when passing through each Legend status.
You can view the challenges in the pause menu under
Journal. The following challenges are listed alphabetically. All challenges give experience points (XP) and also give you a new
online title that other players will see with your name.
Lawbringer requires you to complete all the
hideouts in the given order.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Complete Pike's Basin | 250XP, Cow Lover title |
2 | Complete Fort Mercer | 250XP, Shining Knight title |
3 | Complete Tumbleweed | 250XP, Weed Whacker title |
4 | Complete Gaptooth Breach | 250XP, Gold Thief title |
5 | Complete Tesoro Azul | 250XP, Sapphire title |
6 | Complete Twin Rocks | 250XP, Gemini title |
7 | Complete Nosalida | 250XP, Exit Wound title |
Lawbringer II
Lawbringer II also has you complete the
hideouts but in a more challenging matter. For the ones with two hideouts, you'll need to do both without exiting multiplayer. Take your time with these, use cover, and try not to waste ammo for the thrown weapon challenges.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Complete Pike's Basin & Twin Rocks without dying | 250XP, Civil Servant title |
2 | Complete Nosalida & Tesoro Azul without dying | 250XP, Deputy Lawman title |
3 | Complete Tumbleweed & Fort Mercer without dying | 250XP, Lucky Lawbringer title |
4 | Complete Tesoro Azul using only thrown and melee weapons | 250XP, Crimestopper title |
5 | Complete Gaptooth Breach using only thrown and melee weapons | 250XP, No Gun Needed title |
6 | Complete Gaptooth Breach & Solomon's Folly (PS3) without dying | 250XP, Immune Lawbringer title |
Lawbringer III
Once again you're going through the
hideouts. All four time limits are in actual time, not game time. For #2 and #4, you just need to complete each without dying once. It does not need to be consecutive. If you die, finish or quit the hideout (run away) and retry.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Complete Pike's Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer, & Tumbleweed in 24 hours | 250XP, Restless Justice title |
2 | Complete Pike's Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer, & Tumbleweed in 36 hours without dying | 250XP, Master Lawbringer title |
3 | Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon's Folly (PS3), Tesoro Azul, & Nosalida in 24 hours | 250XP, Dirty Justice title |
4 | Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon's Folly (PS3), Tesoro Azul, & Nosalida in 36 hours without dying. | 250XP, Untouchable Gunslinger title |
Master Hunter
Kill the
animals as told. #3 and #4 should be no problem for experienced players. The best way is getting off your horse and on your feet (your horse will likely die anyway). They will not enter buildings or other covered structures so you can use doorways as a barrier if needed. Running right behind the predator is a good way to get them without getting you. A pistol is a good way to do some damage before the final kill.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Kill 5 deer | 250XP, Stew Brewer title |
2 | Kill 5 coyotes | 250XP, Conservationist title |
3 | Kill 5 wolves, one using a knife | 250XP, Wolf Cryer title |
4 | Kill 5 cougars, one using a knife | 250XP, The Mauled title |
5 | Kill 5 elk and 5 bighorn sheep | 250XP, Hunter title |
Master Hunter II
More difficult
animal challenges. For #1, use a gun to do damage before the final kill with a knife. For the legendary animals, each location has a structure or two for you to hide in. Keep killing the predator waves until the legendary animal appears which will take a lot of damage.
Note: The wolves can enter the ruins in Barranca but the others do not. The locations are visible on your map.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Kill 5 grizzly bears, one using a knife | 250XP, Spartan Survival title |
2 | Kill Lobo the Wolf in Barranca (Nuevo Paraiso) | 250XP, Lycanthropist title |
3 | Kill Gordo the Boar in Greenhollow (New Austin) | 250XP, Lord of the Flies title |
4 | Kill Khan the Jaguar in Tanner's Reach (West Elizabeth) | 250XP, Cat Ballyhoo title |
5 | Kill Brumas the Bear in Bearclaw Camp (West Elizabeth) | 250XP, Master Hunter title |
Outlaw I - Bounty
These are simply to gain a certain bounty. My favorite places to accomplish these are at
Ridgewood Farm and the large building with the balcony in
Chapurosa. Simply fend off the enemies until you reach the required bounty. Their horses add cash too! Beware of other players coming after you when you reach $1000 and are a Public Enemy.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Gain a $500 Bounty | 250XP, Bandito title |
2 | Gain a $1000 Bounty | 250XP, Renegade title |
3 | Gain a $5000 Bounty | 250XP, Enemy of the State title |
Outlaw I - Public Enemy
This set of challenges is to gain a bounty of $1000 and become a Public Enemy the required amount of times. Same tips as the previous. Once you reach $1000, you can kill yourself (jump off a building, run out to all the enemies, etc) to reset and do it again.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Become a Public Enemy once | 250XP, Outlaw title |
2 | Become a Public Enemy 10 times | 250XP, On the Run title |
3 | Become a Public Enemy 50 times | 250XP, Career Criminal
title |
Outlaw I - Survival
For these challenges, simply stay alive with a bounty while enemies are on your tail. Essentially keep your Wanted Meter red for the required time. Get a bounty, and either take out more people or fire a shot now and then to keep yourself in their sights. Easy.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Stay alive for 3 minutes | 250XP, Running Man title |
2 | Stay alive for 5 minutes | 250XP, Fleeing Felon title |
3 | Stay alive for 7 minutes | 250XP, Maniac Militia Member title |
Outlaw II - Bounty Hunter
Only one simple challenge for this.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Kill a Public Enemy player while you are a Public Enemy too | 250XP, The Coward title |
Outlaw II - Outlaw Gang
For these challenges you'll need some help. Get a posse of at least 2 people and achieve the required bounty.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Form a posse and everyone gains a bounty of $1000 | 250XP, Mild Bunch title |
2 | Form a posse and everyone gains a bounty of $2500 | 250XP, Motley Crew title |
3 | Form a posse and everyone gains a bounty of $7500 | 250XP, Wild Bunch title |
Outlaw II - Public Enemy Killer
Kill a Public Enemy player the required amount of times. Remember actual players aren't as predictable as the computer characters. Also pick someone of lesser rank so you don't get your butt handed to you.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Kill a Public Enemy player | 250XP, Deputy title |
2 | Kill 5 Public Enemy players | 250XP, Sheriff title |
3 | Kill 25 Public Enemy players | 250XP, Law Dog title |
Outlaw II - Public Enemy Kill Streak
Get the required kill streak of other players while you are a Public Enemy. Again, pick someone of a lower rank but you'll be a magnet for everyone, especially those trying to accomplish the previous challenges.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Get a kill streak of 3 players while you are a Public Enemy | 250XP, Yellowbelly title |
2 | Get a kill streak of 5 players while you are a Public Enemy | 250XP, Remorseless title |
3 | Get a kill streak of 7 players while you are a Public Enemy | 250XP, Public Enemy title |
Some simple gun tricks to accomplish. For #4, steal a wagon (small ones are easiest) and get the horse at a gallop. Your shots won't count if the horse is walking slow. For #3 and #5, take your time and aim carefully. Disarming can be easier on enemies behind cover, who's guns stick out.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Shoot 5 birds | 250XP, Bird Watcher title |
2 | Shoot 5 rabbits | 250XP, Exterminator title |
3 | Head shot 10 enemies | 250XP, Head Hollower title |
4 | Shoot 5 flying birds from a moving vehicle | 250XP, Mobile Bird Watcher title |
5 | Disarm 10 enemies | 250XP, Sharpshooter title |
Sharpshooter II
These are more tricky. Again, be patient for the first two. Use a shotgun or another powerful weapon (sniper) for #3. I got #4 in Blackwater. Once in a while a person in a light suit with a tall hat will ride through the streets. Then I used a sniper to get his hat. Your mount needs to be at a decent gallop to get it, not walking slow. For #5 go around Manzanita Post, Great Plains, or some other area where you'll have 3
different types of animals at hand.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Get 2 hat shots within 5 seconds | 250XP, Hat trickster title |
2 | Shoot someone's hat and then disarm them within 3 seconds | 250XP, Hauty Gunhand title |
3 | Kill a bear with 1 head shot | 250XP, Bear Starer title |
4 | Shoot off someone's hat while riding a mount | 250XP, Hat Flyer title |
5 | Kill any 3 different types of wild animals within 10 seconds | 250XP, Master Sharpshooter title |
Just like in Single Player, collect the required amount of plants in
New Austin and
Nuevo Paraiso. General areas are given. Easy. Ride at a steady pace and zoom out your mini map to reveal a larger area.
Survivalist II
Even more plant collecting in
Nuevo Paraiso and
West Elizabeth. Same tips as above.
Rank | Challenge | Rewards |
| | |
1 | Collect 8 Butterfly Weed (Diez Coronas) | 250XP, Doc's Realization title |
2 | Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage (Tall Trees) | 250XP, Sage Hoverer title |
3 | Collect 12 Prairie Poppy (Great Plains) | 250XP, Prairie Picker title |
4 | Collect 15 Golden Currant (Great Plains) | 250XP, Golden Herbalist title |
5 | Collect 10 Violet Snowdrop (Tall Trees) | 250XP, Master Survivalist title |