Online Challenges - Weapon

online TreeFittyactivity 5030 Days Agoreddeadredemptionviews 9334 Views
Just like the Ambient Challenges in single player, Red Dead Redemption multiplayer has challenges to complete too. All weapon challenges are accomplished against other players in Shootouts or Bag Games. Upon completion of all challenges per weapon, you will receive the gold plated version. The only exceptions are dynamite and fire bottles which need one set completed.

You can view the challenges in the pause menu under Journal. The following challenges are listed alphabetically by weapon. All challenges give experience points (XP) and give you a new online title that other players will see with your name upon completion of each set. The title is the name in the first column below.

As a general tip, it is obviously easier to get headshots with aim assistance but that's up to you. Take your time and good luck!

Bolt Action Rifle

Bolt Action Assassin
Bolt Action Assassin Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Buffalo Rifle

Buffalo Butcher
Buffalo Butcher Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Carcano Rifle

Carcano Killer
Carcano Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Double Action Revolver

Double Death Dealer
Double Death Dealer Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Double Barrel Shotgun

Double Barrel Killer
Double Barrel Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP


1Get 5 kills250XP1Get 2 kills with one stick250XP
2Get 25 kills250XP2Get 3 kills with one stick250XP
3Get 50 kills250XP3Kill someone carrying a bag250XP

Evans Repeater

Evans Reaper
Evans Reaper Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Fire Bottle

Pyro Arson
1Get 5 kills250XP1Get 2 kills with one bottle250XP
2Get 25 kills250XP2Get 3 kills with one bottle250XP
3Get 50 kills250XP3Kill someone carrying a bag250XP

Henry Repeater

Henry Hurter
Henry Hurter Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

High Power Pistol

High Powered Killer
High Powered Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

LeMat Revolver

LeMat Meurtre
LeMat Meurtre Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Mauser Pistol

Mauser Murder
Mauser Murder Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Repeater Carbine

Repeated Killer
Repeated Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Rolling Block Rifle

Rolling Block Bully
Rolling Block Bully Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Sawed Off Shotgun

Sawed Off Shooter
Sawed Off Shooter Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Schofield Revolver

Schofield Assassin
Schofield Assassin Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Semi Automatic Pistol

Semi Auto Pistolero
Semi Auto Pistolero Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Semi Automatic Shotgun

Semi Auto Shotgunner
Semi Auto Shotgunner Headshots
1Get 25 kills100XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills175XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills250XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Springfield Rifle

Springfield Killer
Springfield Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP


The Tomahawk is part of the Legends and Killers DLC.
Tomahawk Killer
Tomahawk Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots50XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots100XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots150XP

Volcanic Pistol

Volcanic Killer
Volcanic Killer Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP

Winchester Repeater

Winchester Wielder
Winchester Wielder Headshots
1Get 25 kills50XP1Get 25 headshots100XP
2Get 50 kills100XP2Get 50 headshots175XP
3Get 100 kills150XP3Get 100 headshots250XP