Red Dead Redemption

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  • Get 7 headshots while covering Sadie from the lighthouse
  • After Sadie is captured, reach Abigail and Sadie within 1 minute
  • Complete with at least 70% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Red Dead Redemption

Abigail has been captured by the Pinkertons but Dutch decides to cut the loss. Arthur & Sadie team up to rescue her and then Arthur needs to settle things once and for all.


Splitting apart

The gang rides back to camp with their spoils. Tilly rides towards them with Jack and says Agent Milton took Abigail to Van Horn. She is being charged with murder. Micah tells Dutch - after informing Jack of his father's demise - that Abigail is bait and not worth saving. They need to keep riding. Arthur asks Dutch if he wants Jack to be an orphan - he doesn't. Micah wants to live. Dutch agrees with Micah and Arthur - begging at Dutch's side - fails to change his mind.

They ride off except for Sadie who agrees to help get Abigail back. After all these years, it's come to this. Arthur gives Tilly the bag and extra money. He tells her to wait at Copperhead Landing for Abigail and Sadie. She agrees. Arthur says goodbye to her and Jack. He'll get his mother.

Follow Sadie who will find a safe way to Van Horn from the south. You can talk to her about Dutch. The conversation plays out differently depending on your honor. They ditch their horses near the lighthouse to come up with a plan. Sadie will go in and Arthur will cover her from the lighthouse. He takes a little offense to it, saying he can still fight but ends up agreeing to her plan. Sadie dashes off.

The truth hurts

Get to the top of the lighthouse - a certain boat is still sitting on the rocks next to it. On the top deck, Arthur uses a scoped rifle to look for Agent Milton. He's spotted dragging Abigail into an old trading post at the end of a pier. As for Sadie, he finds her moving into position behind a building. Cover Sadie. Either one of you can start the fight. Take out the Pinkertons. There are twelve all over including on balconies. Clear a path for Sadie. She goes towards the water past the old Sheriff Office before heading up to the pier.

At the trading post, Sadie kicks in the door and enters. Agents ambush her and knock her down. Time for Arthur to talk with Milton. He drops his gun and rushes down. Agents are seen running from the building. He takes cover behind crates. Wipe out the Pinkertons and get to the pier. There are 16 of them. Again, some are on the balconies. Two will ride in on horseback when you get to the first old dock. Upon entering the pier, one appears behind you and another in front. Note the only guns you are given are pistols and a shotgun.


When you get to the trading post kick open the door and Arthur goes into Dead Eye. Shoot the two Pinkertons guarding the women. Abigail is tied to a chair and Sadie is hogtied on the floor. Arthur begins helping Abigail but gets a stick up from behind by Milton. He mentions Arthur's cough and is told about the tuberculosis. They'll both be dead soon. At least Arthur will be as far as Milton is concerned. Abigail tries to wiggle out of the ropes as Milton tells Arthur he was offered a deal. Not everyone in the gang is uncooperative, though - Micah for one.

Molly O'Shea? The Pinkertons tried to make her talk with no luck. Micah Bell was picked up after they returned from Guarma. He's been a good boy since. Arthur accepts that as the truth. He coughs a little while lowering himself down and then tries to take Milton's gun. Help Arthur win the struggle. Milton lowers his gun at Arthur's head and it looks like the fight will be over. Suddenly the side of Milton's head opens up with a gunshot.

Saying goodbye

Abigail is standing to the side with a pistol. She cuts Sadie loose and helps Arthur get up. Outside the building, run to the horses as shots fly past from the south end of town. Sadie will control your horse so hop on with her. As you flee more Pinkertons ride up on horseback. Kill the pursuers. They appear in groups of two from both sides. There are eight total.

When they are dead or give up, Arthur will have the women stop. He tries to get Abigail off her horse. She asks where John is. Arthur says he was killed or captured. He didn't see it. Abigail is upset but Arthur tells her Jack is safe and Sadie will take her to him. John loved Abigail and Jack. Arthur tells both women to go. He needs to have a chat before he gets more sick. Both women do not want to say goodbye to him but know they won't change his mind.

Abigail gives Arthur a key. It's for a chest in the back left of the caves under a wagon. It's Dutch's chest with all of their money. She always was a good thief. The girls ride off and Arthur mounts up. After putting on his hat he begins to ride back to camp - ready for what's next. Help him move as "That's the Way It Is" by Daniel Lanois plays. Quotes from a few people during the story so far are heard also.

Picking sides

In the camp Micah is ordering the others to pack up. Arthur intervenes and tells Dutch about meeting Agent Milton. Abigail shot him but first he revealed that Micah talked. Micah denies it. The two draw guns at each other and vie for Dutch's trust. John appears, covering his wound, and accuses Dutch of leaving him to die. Dutch says he didn't have a choice. Arthur tells everyone to pick a side. This is over. Susan joins Arthur and tells Micah to drop his weapon.

Javier yells that Pinkertons are coming fast. Micah shoots Susan who falls and dies. Dutch aims at both men and asks who is with him and who is betraying him. The group of men shuffle in a circle with Bill and Javier joining Dutch, Micah, Cleet, and Joe. John sticks with Arthur. Sides have been chosen but Pinkertons break up the meeting. Everyone scatters to find cover.

Fend off the Pinkertons as they ride in on horseback. John sticks with Arthur and the others flee. Eventually a large group approaches on foot through the trees so John decides to retreat through the cave. Follow John as the Pinkertons give chase. While running John says he was left for dead. Arthur tells him Milton said Micah was the rat. In the back of the cave go up the ramp and climb up the ladders and ledges with John. They'll need to come back for the money. Arthur is told to go first up the last ladder and out of the caves.


In the woods above, the men whistle for their horses. Arthur tells John that Abigail and Jack are safe with Sadie in Copperhead Landing. John thanks Arthur who tells him to not look back. They begin to ride out as Dutch, Micah, Cleet, and Joe give chase. Escape with John. Coming around the first bend, more Pinkertons appear. Go left across the river. They should help slow down Dutch and his crew. At the top of the hill there's a Pinkerton roadblock so make the hairpin left. Three Pinkertons on horseback give chase. Kill them and keep moving. Four Pinkertons are ahead and to the left. They take out both yours and John's horses.

Finish them off and Arthur goes to his horse. He pats it on the head and gives his thanks as it takes its last breath. John says they need to go but Arthur wants to get the money since Abigail gave him the key. If John goes back there he'll be killed. He has a family. You are given a choice: Help John escape to safety or go back for the money. Each choice plays out differently and both end differently themselves depending on your honor.

Money (low honor)

Arthur gives John his satchel and puts his hat on John's head. He tells John to go. John tells him to be safe and runs off. Arthur pulls his pistol and starts down the hill. Dutch and Micah can come get him. Fight your way back to Beaver Hollow. Below three Pinkertons appear. Shoot them and keep moving. One on horseback rides up on the right. Kill him. Three more are a little further down. Take them out and one more appears on the left behind some rocks. Shoot him too.

You can now call out to Micah. Who you will faintly hear reply. Note the marker for Beaver Hollow moves along the river and road towards camp. Head into the river and two Pinkertons ride down the road. Kill them and call out to Micah and Dutch. Closer to the camp four more Pinkertons appear ahead. Shoot them and keep moving. You'll find the camp ablaze. Enter the caves continuing to call out.

Once inside find the money. As stated, it's under a wagon in the back left. Go to the side with the campfire and grab the chest. Arthur moves some crates to slide it out. Opening it up, he finds a large bag which he puts on his shoulder. It contains $42,875 - not bad! With money in hand, exit the caves back out into the camp.

Outside Arthur gets jumped by Micah who stabs him with his own knife. Arthur gets up and pulls the knife out. Micah draws his and a knife fight begins. Cut and dodge Micah. Eventually Arthur tries for a good slice but misses. Micah tackles Arthur and gets on top, attempting to stab his chest. Help Arthur break free. It's not enough and the knife slides into Arthur. Micah says he won but Arthur reminds him everyone knows he's a rat.

Dutch walks up and tells them to stop. Micah says Arthur turned but Arthur says the same of him - he's a rat. Micah explains that Arthur is dying but Arthur reiterates who the rat is. Micah tries to sweet talk Dutch to get the money and get out. Dutch slowly walks away. Micah yells out but gives up. He goes over to Arthur who is trying to crawl away. Micah says it's been fun and stabs Arthur in the back. Arthur drops down dead. Micah walks away as "Unshaken" plays.

Money (high honor)

Arthur gives John his satchel and puts his hat on John's head. He tells John to go. John tells him to be safe and runs off. Arthur pulls his pistol and starts down the hill. Dutch and Micah can come get him. Fight your way back to Beaver Hollow. Below three Pinkertons appear. Shoot them and keep moving. One on horseback rides up on the right. Kill him. Three more are a little further down. Take them out and one more appears on the left behind some rocks. Shoot him too.

You can now call out to Micah. Who you will faintly hear reply. Note the marker for Beaver Hollow moves along the river and road towards camp. Head into the river and two Pinkertons ride down the road. Kill them and call out to Micah and Dutch. Closer to the camp four more Pinkertons appear ahead. Shoot them and keep moving. You'll find the camp ablaze. Enter the caves continuing to call out.

Once inside find the money. As stated, it's under a wagon in the back left. Go to the side with the campfire and grab the chest. Arthur moves some crates to slide it out. Opening it up, he finds a large bag which he puts on his shoulder. It contains $42,875 - not bad! With money in hand, exit the caves back out into the camp.

Outside Arthur gets jumped by Micah who stabs him with his own knife. Arthur gets up and pulls the knife out. Micah draws his and a knife fight begins. Cut and dodge Micah. Eventually Arthur slices across Micah's eye but he tackles Arthur and gets on top, attempting to stab his chest. Help Arthur break free. He bites Micah's hand and knocks him off.

Dutch walks up and tells them to stop. Micah says Arthur turned but Arthur says the same of him - he's a rat. Micah explains that Arthur is dying but Arthur replies that Micah is already dead on the inside. Micah tries to sweet talk Dutch to get the money and get out. Dutch slowly walks away. Micah yells out but gives up. He grabs the money and goes into the cave. Arthur props himself up on the ground as the sun rises through the trees. He falls on his back and his arms slowly drop as "Unshaken" plays.

Help John (low honor)

Follow John up the mountain. More Pinkertons are seen riding up below and quickly ascend. Fight off the pursuers using the rocks as cover. Kill a few and John says to move so follow him. Both men are tired but John tells Arthur to keep pushing. He's pushed all he can. Only one of them is going to survive. Arthur puts his hat on John and tells him to leave. He'll hold them back. He gives John his satchel and tells him to go. John accepts their fates and runs off.

Arthur continues up the mountain firing at the approaching lawmen. Kill the pursuers that make it up to you. Micah comes running from behind and tackles Arthur who calls him a rat. Micah says he's a survivor as he punches Arthur. They struggle and fall off a small cliff to a ledge below. Both recover and get back at it. Block and punch Micah. Eventually Arthur gets knocked down and goes for his gun. As he gets it Micah grabs him and the two strike each other. Both fall and the gun flies to the side.

Help Arthur crawl as Micah stumbles behind him. Arthur gets to the gun but a foot comes down on his hand. Dutch tells him it's over. Arthur tries one last time to convince Dutch that Micah is a rat. Micah says he's sick and dying. Pinkertons are heard approaching in the distance. Arthur says he gave Dutch all he had.

Dutch releases his hand and Arthur rolls onto his back. Micah tells Dutch they need to go. They won. They made it. Barely breathing, Arthur says John made it. He's the only one. Arthur tried. Dutch walks away from Micah who walks over to Arthur. Arthur props himself up while Micah takes aim and tells him he isn't better. Whatever you say, you fool. Micah shoots him in the head. Arthur falls back dead. Micah laughs and walks off as "Unshaken" plays.

Help John (high honor)

Follow John up the mountain. More Pinkertons are seen riding up below and quickly ascend. Fight off the pursuers using the rocks as cover. Kill a few and John says to move so follow him. Both men are tired but John tells Arthur to keep pushing. He's pushed all he can. Only one of them is going to survive. Arthur puts his hat on John and tells him to leave. He'll hold them back. He gives John his satchel and tells him to go. John accepts their fates and runs off.

Arthur continues up the mountain firing at the approaching lawmen. Kill the pursuers that make it up to you. Micah comes running from behind and tackles Arthur who calls him a rat. Micah says he's a survivor as he punches Arthur. They struggle and fall off a small cliff to a ledge below. Both recover and get back at it. Block and punch Micah. Eventually Arthur gets knocked down and goes for his gun. As he gets it Micah grabs him and the two strike each other. Both fall and the gun flies to the side.

Help Arthur crawl as Micah stumbles behind him. Arthur gets to the gun but a foot comes down on his hand. Dutch tells him it's over. Arthur tries one last time to convince Dutch that Micah is a rat. Micah says he's sick and dying. Pinkertons are heard approaching in the distance. Arthur says he gave Dutch all he had.

Dutch releases his hand and Arthur rolls onto his back. Micah tells Dutch they need to go. They won. They made it. Barely breathing, Arthur says John made it. He's the only one. Arthur tried. Dutch walks away from Micah who yells in anger and goes his own way. Arthur finds enough strength to crawl over to the edge. He props himself against the rocks and watches the sunrise as "Unshaken" plays.

This completes Chapter VI. This mission leads directly into The Wheel.

Gold Tips

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy when you can.
  • Use quick Dead Eye bursts to conserve it. Aim for headshots.
  • While using the sniper you can also wait for the enemies to stay still to headshot them and save Dead Eye. There are 12 of them. Sadie can get a few.
  • While running to rescue Sadie and Abigail, it is entirely possible (but difficult at times) to get there without shooting anyone. For the most part, follow the purple route above to dodge some of the Pinkertons. Go along the water, come up over the first dock (can go under it but you'll need to swim a little which goes slower), and then over to the pier. Take out only the enemies you need to. The ones on horseback and at the end of the pier can be your death. Do not stop. Run and gun. Dead Eye is useful. Get to the door and kick it in as fast as possible. Replays give you limited health so you will likely be close to death. Pause under the pier if needed but only long enough for Arthur's vision to clear up.
  • There is no headshot objective after the sniper portion but you'll want to kill the enemies quickly.
  • If you want to increase your accuracy count aim for non-lethal parts such as arms or torso.
  • When fleeing the pier with the ladies you can shoot the Pinkertons to the south for extra accuracy.
  • Take out any additional enemies quickly throughout the rest of the mission. When fighting at the camp you can stay put for a short time after John tells you to leave but do not stay too long or else you'll get overrun. During the help John ending you do not need to kill the Pinkertons that are a distance away. Save your accuracy for the ones that come up close to you.
  • The money ending has cover while going through the trees. The help John ending has rocks for cover but note the game has difficulty shooting over and down at the enemies.